Discover the Power of Embodiment
Everything happens in your mind. Everything is relative. You can have an experience, and the way you perceive it – the thoughts you think about it – is what makes it either a positive or negative experience TO YOU.
When you're going through your day and things don't go as planned – the baby is extra clingy, the kids are complaining, the dinner you spent an hour and a half on tastes awful, and you're super behind on everything – how you think about this determines how it is for you. The actual happenings of the day have no say in how the day feels to you. Only you have control over that.
This is a game-changing realization when you really grasp it and learn how to use it in your favor!
What is Embodiment?
Embodiment is not about being perfect. It's about taking ownership of what is yours to control – yourself. Embodiment is an exit from victim mode.
We mirror what we are back to ourselves. It’s how the universe works, and studies support this over and over again. Some studies even reference "mirror neurons" that make us up as humans. We are literally mirroring ourselves and what is around us.
What you embody makes your life. And because you're a powerful woman who is also a mother, what you embody also carries huge weight in shaping how your kids experience life right now.