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by Allie Casazza
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    Startup School ($199.00 x 12)13x $199.00
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Some of the testimonial photos have been changed to stock photos per the permissions of Allie's past clients, however, the words are theirs, and every testimonial is from an actual client who has worked with Allie directly or taken this course.

Due to the downloadable nature of the content in this program and the legal protection of Allie's intellectual property, we do not offer refunds on this product. Thank you for understanding the very real danger of content theft!

Toby Pollack
Program Graduate

Startup School was the birth of a dream passion- it was worth every penny. Allie literally showed me every step I needed to launch my business and all of it felt SO GOOD and ALIGNED. As always, Allie overdelivers and I felt completely supported technically and energetically. Taking this course brought so much focus, creativity, and spirit into my life. Today, I'm making HUGE adjustments to my life to go ALL IN on my dreams. Allie shows up fully and her energy is infectious. Because of her, I'll be pivoting my whole life to a more aligned, meaningful, purpose-driven journey. I'm so grateful.

Miranda R.
Program Graduate

"I've implemented all of Allie's wisdom and when it came time for me to launch my first coaching group it was 80% sold out by the end of the first day, and 100% by the end of the week. Allie's methods and techniques are straightforward, simple, and effective!"

Abby H.
Coaching Client

"There is just no better way to start or elevate your business then with Allie Casazza! Her genius coaching methods take you through powerful strategy that will remove blocks and fill you with real confidence going forward. Allie’s professional energy and electric light will inspire you and set you on a practical fast track to short cuts in your business journey. I am so glad I invested in this experience with Allie and I will do it again!"

Audrey P.
Program Graduate

"Allie coached me in creating and launching my first online course. I just closed cart yesterday and welcomed 526 students and made $107k!! On my FIRST launch!"

  • Total payment
  • 1xStartup School$0

All prices in USD
